Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development
The 25th International Forum of the International Telecommunication Academy (MAC) “Digital Solutions for Sustainable Development” has taken place within Russian Week of High Technologies.
The forum was attended by representatives of the state authorities, regional commonwealth structures in the field of communications, professional public associations, research institutions and commercial companies.
Anatoly Nazeikin, Vice President of the International Telecommunication Academy, Chairman of the Labour Union of Communication Workers of Russia, addressed the participants of the forum. He congratulated all those involved in the International Telecommunication Academy on the 25th anniversary of the organisation. According to him, in the 1990s, the International Telecommunication Academy became one of the first civil society institutions of the new democratic Russia and devoted its activity to the development of the most important component of the country's basic infrastructure - telecommunications in the conditions of digital transformation and competitive market.
Yury Pripachkin, President of the Russian Association of Cryptoindustry and Blockchain, spoke about the basic principles of building a digital economy. According to him, the digital economy model is based on artificial intelligence, blockchain and cryptocurrency. And the national borders of states in the future will be defined by their zones of digital sovereignty.
The report of Nurudin Mukhitdinov, Director General of the RCC Executive Committee, focused on promising directions in the field of digital development in the member countries of the Regional Commonwealth of Communications.
Yulia Smirnova, First Deputy Director General of the National Qualifications Development Agency, and Artur Gleim, Director of Quantum Communications Department of RZD, spoke about standardisation of professional activities and what competences the employees of the future should have.
Participants in the plenary part of the forum discussed digital transformation for various sectors of the economy, the development of quantum technologies, the basic principles of building a digital economy and forming an ecosystem of state platforms, etc.
The discussion continued in four thematic sessions on the application of innovative Russian technologies for achieving the sustainable development goals, quantum communications, development of a national qualifications system in telecommunications, postal communications and radio engineering, and the application of digital technologies and artificial intelligence in digital transformation.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO